DevLog #2 ~ Concepts and the Art of Change

When things change and grow more solid as the design of the game change as well as thoughts come and go. While at first I had an idea to have an aesthetic of an old 80's and 90's anime,  but as these ideas evolved, more and more changes came up . The game now has evolved into a more early 2000s mid 90's, mascot platformer, but the main difference is that I am not doing it to make a quick buck or to follow a trend, that companies tried to do while there were diamonds in the rough those mascots soon fell off to the wayside because of them trying to follow trends and be "Hip and Cool with the kids". My mascot platformer has the idea to be a silly well made platformer with a mixture of the things I love about platformers but with a more modern on take to them. 

Things that are not going to be in the game, dated game design is dated/ How would I modernize it - 

While stuff in this section are subject to change here a small list of things that might not make it

* Lives/Continues are a dated feature in old school games that were designed to keep kids playing but are effectively useless when kids have mastered the game and can beat it without dying once . The way I would modernize it is to add a Retro and Modern style, similar to how Crash Bandicoot 4 did it, with Retro mode giving the player a set number of lives and if the player loses them all, the game is over and they must use a continue. Using a Continue would send the player all the way back to the start of the world they were at with a continue counter going up until the beaten the game But were  I would deviate,  is make the levels harder to give the players more of a challenge essentially making Retro mode the game's Hard Mode. 

Modern mode would just keep the death count and tallies it up once the game is beaten the level will be normal and the player will not have to worry about getting sent all the way back to first level of the world they're in.        

What the aim now ?  

Well since the only thing has changed is the art direction I would like to add more personality to the game and have the character pop out and be memorable  and cute. 

The central piece of that'll keep the game together having a central theme and the theme of my game is a circus/carnival and now all I have to is make everything fit that  aesthetic or play around that idea but not stray to far from it. 

Get Mokii's Adventure ~ Curse of the Jester

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